Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Going to the Dogs?

Hello Foto Fans!

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to cover an event for WAAGR! What is WAAGR you ask? Well, the Wisconsin Adopt a Golden Retriever Group of course!

Their goal is to provide a new home for displaced puppies and dogs. Mind you, a Retriever "puppy" is pretty much all DOG to me!! Nevertheless, I was greeted by 6 happy tails and sweet eyes as these friends, on two legs and four, worked to celebrate the holidays. In other words, raising funds for their efforts, while finding a home for the extra guests with fur.

Opportunities continue to present themselves for me to capture the activities for events around town. I truly enjoy the moments of meeting new people and the exploration of different parts of the city; even when I do get lost using my GPS! Here's a thought.. if YOU want to practice shooting events, pick up your camera at the next family get together. I promise you will have PLENTY of material to shoot!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Busy Little Bee!

The past two weekends have been very busy for this "Shutter Bug!" The last weekend of September included a small wedding for an older couple. It was a fun shoot! Both the wedding and the reception were in the same location. The attendants sat at the tables, as the bridal party walked through. Needless to say, tables were a new obstacle to overcome, but no bruises. Here is one of my favorite images from the day! I am currently in the process of finishing the edits of their big day. Over 600 pictures to choose from... I can't wait to share the final product with them.

Last weekend, if you recall, I was a participant in the 2009 Riverwest Artwalk. It was a COLD two days at the "Feed Shop Studio," with two fellow photographers, Claire and Amy. I am happy to report; I have a new collector of my work. My mixed media panels sold on the first day! My "Affection is Defined As..." pieces are still available for view through November 7th at the Jazz Gallery.

Tomorrow, I am meeting with one of mentors. I am looking forward to sharing copies of a recent project....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hello Foto Fans!

First off thank you for taking time to read and become a Foto Fan!! This particular blog will be different from previous thoughts collected on blogspot. Simply, the FOCUS is photography!! Please subscribe and visit from time to time to see the latest...

Should you find yourself in the dairy state, please join me at the 2009 Riverwest Art Walk, October 3rd and 4th 12-5pm. I will be sharing two mixed media panels measuring 36x24 inches!! The panels will be on display at a local studio called: The Feed Shop (918 E Center Street, Milwaukee, WI 53212

As a member of the Riverwest Artists Association, I am a participant in the annual membership show, 30 Years of Dialogue. Images from my Affection is Defined As... series will be on display and available for purchase at the Jazz Gallery (926 E Center Street, Milwaukee, WI 53212) from October 3rd - November 7th.

As always, be sure and visit www.lacicoppins.com Thanks again for being a Foto Fan!