Greetings Foto Fans!
Well I am back from Nashville. It was great leaving the 40 degree weather days behind for a quick week of 70s and sandals!
From the time I touched down I was on the run! Making quick stops to different places and ensuring I had everything needed was all I could think of. Well, there in lies the rub, the university
never received word of my needs. But to the credit of the staff (Mr. Berry, Mrs. Lathan, Curator Simmons, Mrs. Allen) and a few students (Kashana, Stephanie) of Fisk , the wagons were circling around me and it all worked out! So what did I learn,
regardless of using a liaison, still make direct contact with a person at the location!
My work was shown on the second floor of the
Milo Cravath administration building; on the second floor rotunda. While it was not how I envisioned it, I was still thankful for the experience. Humbling at its best, because over head were original murals created and restored by
Aaron Douglas. In case you are not familiar with the artist, click on his name for more details, but the quick and the short: he is one of the main voices of the Harlem Renaissance (one of my favorite periods of history), started, taught, and built the original art program at Fisk University. As I was standing, there, if I allowed myself to really take this in, it was simply overwhelming emotionally. I literally was in the presence of greatness and history. Then to top it off, my dad surprised me! He has not been able to make an exhibition before, so this really made the evening.
So what's next, well, while in Nashville, I received an invitation to show in January at the
Peltz Gallery. Of course I said, "
yes!" The curator and I will be meeting next week! Additionally, I am shooting two models for February's show at the Jazz Gallery on Friday.